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Allie E.S. Wist is an artist-scholar and writer, currently working on an Interdisciplinary Arts PhD at Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, with a focus on the senses, the Anthropocene, and environmental archives. 
Her artwork encompasses photography, radio broadcasts, artifacts, writing, dinners, and experiential installations that render futuristic speculation accessible through sensory narratives. Wist has recently focused on the role of taste and aesthetics in accessing scales that exceed human subjectivity. She has also studied the role of affect, disgust, and ambiguity in ecological perception and ecological ethics.

Many of her works involve relational epistemology and depict New Materialist concerns which situate both the aritist and audience with and within collapse, decay, and ruins. More recently, Wist’s body of work has focused on future customs and traditions related to food and water, as well as nonhuman companionship as an important aspect to food futures.

Wist is co-founder of Mutamur, a futurist art and culture radio show. Her work and participatory artworks have been exhibited by the Nobel Prize Museum, Pioneer Works, Honolulu Biennial, The Wellcome Collection, The Centre for Sensory Studies, EMPAC, MIT, and HESSE FLATOW. 

Wist received a B.A. in Media and Fine Art from Boston University, and an M.A. in Food Studies from New York University. She has been a photo editor and art director for several food publications including Bon Appétit and Saveur Magazine. She has over a decade of experience in food media and journalism. She currently teaches at NYU and hosts an interdisciplinary Anthropocene working group.

Please email directly for more information on editorial and commercial work as a producer and photo editor. Production, styling, and photo editing portfolios can be found here and here.

Selected Press:

NPR: Artist Sets Futuristic Dinner Party In World Reshaped By Rising Seas, 2017

New York Times: Inside the Wild and Wonderful World of Mushrooms, 2023

The Atlantic: A New Coca-Cola Flavor at the End of the World, 2023

BBC: The Future of Food if Climate Change Continues, 2017

New York Times: What We're Reading: Endless Thirst, 2017

Newsweek: The Future of Food in Apocalyptic Scenarios, 2017

The Atlantic: Migrants in Spain and Water in Colombia: The Week in Global-Affairs Writing, 2017

Bitten 2018 Conference: The Intersection Between Food, Art, & Society, 2018

FLUX: Honolulu Biennial's Flooded Exhibit, 2018

Roads & Kingdoms: Water, Water, Everywhere, 2017

SAVEUR: What Dinner Might Look Like in a Future of Global Warming and Sea Level Rise, 2017

SAVEUR: Artist-run Curatorial Project Asks What Lies Beneath Our Impulses to Eat, 2017

SAVEUR: Performative No Utensils Dinner, 2016

I CARE IF YOU LISTEN: Chelsea Music Festival Artist in Residence

GIZMODO: Here's What our Food Might Look Like in a Climate Change Dystopia, 2017

IG: @aeswist
All work copyright 2024 Allie ES Wist